About Us

Sequenta is a privately owned and operated company specialising in project services spanning infrastructure and mining project environments.

With operations established in South Australia and Western Australia, the team is comprised of a firm base of key resources covering Sequenta’s core fields of expertise.

Sequenta’s leadership team members have over 30 years’ combined experience through execution of significant civil, industrial and mining construction projects.

They have personally fulfilled front line management and supervision roles in both South and Western Australia, and across a diverse array of industry sectors.

The team is process driven with a strong background in its core disciplines of project management, project control and project engineering and, through its extensive network of personnel and clients, has the ability to expand to the needs of the market.

Sequenta has established protocols and procedures that provide accurate and concise deliverables, whilst ensuring optimum output, coupled with time and cost efficiency.

Our Values

  • Experience where it counts.
  • Constant assessment of risk, on and off the field.
  • Adjust the plan to mitigate the risk.
  • Detail where it adds value.
  • Generate familiarity through standardised deliverables.
  • In-field controls and monitoring.
  • Responsibility at all times.
  • Forge strong connections and exceed expectations.
  • Efficient application of reliable resources.


Actively supporting our local community through proud sponsorship of local junior sporting teams.  

Website expansion in development. Contact us via chris@sequenta.com.au
Chosen Project Delivery Partners in:
• Project Management
• Project Control
• Project Engineering
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